Specific Cover Letter

A well written Specific Cover Letter is an excellent differentiator

A well written Specific Cover Letter is an excellent differentiator which can quickly create strong interest by providing information which is difficult to convey well in a tradittional CV such as :

– Which role you are applying for and why.
– Why, in your opinion, you are the absolute best match.
– How you intend to add additional value.
– How you added value historically.
– Emotional facts and resignation information.

By owning a well written cover letter you are likely to find that you will obtain stronger results and be able to to start ‘the conversation’ with the hiring manager as they have a much better insight to your background, current status and motive.

Curriculum Vitae currently provides a great price when you order a CV and a Cover Letter together. You may read further details here at our specific service pages GraduateProfessional or Management.